
Parley - Business Consulting HTML Template

Thank you so much for purchasing our item from themeforest.

  • Created: 20 June, 2022

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, Please feel free to email via Item Support Page.


Follow the steps below to setup your site template:

  1. Unzip the downloaded package and open the /HTML folder to find all the template files. You will need to upload these files to your hosting web server using FTP or localhost in order to use it on your website.
  2. Below is the folder structure and needs to be uploaded to your website or localhost root directory:
    • HTML/css - Stylesheet files
    • HTML/images - Images files
    • HTML/js - Javacript files
    • HTML/scss - Sass files
    • HTML/plugins – All external libs.
    • HTML/index.html - Homepage
  3. You should upload all or specific HTML files as per your need.
  4. You are good to go for adding your content now!

HTML Structure

Parley follows a simple and easy to customize coding structure. Here is the sample for your reference:
The template is based on Bootstrap Framework

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<!-- Your Title, Description, Stylesheets
============================================= -->



<!-- Document Wrapper   
=============================== -->
<div class="page-wrapper overflow-hidden"> 
  <!-- Header
  ============================ -->
  <header class="site-header site-header--dark bg-secondary">
    <div class="container"> ...... </div>
  <!-- Header End --> 
    <!-- Your Page Content goes here  -->
  <!-- Footer -->
  <footer  class="footer-section">
    <div class="container"> ...... </div>
  <!-- Footer end --> 
<!-- Document Wrapper end --> 

<!-- JavaScript -->

If you need more information, please visit bootstrap site:


We have added SASS .scss files in template. If you know how to use SASS you can change sass files and compile the css as well. You can find sass file here - HTML/scss

Open the sass/abstract and Edit any file according to your needs. If you need more Advanced Setup then you can Edit the Respective Files yourself which have been branched inside the same Folder. It is completely at your discretion only to include the Required .scss Files you need to minimize the amount of CSS & including only the Styles of the Blocks you need. This can be setup in your main.scss File.

Color Customization

You can change your Website's Colors by modifying following variable inside HTML/scss/abstract/_colors.scss

Available Variables:

$white : #fff;
$black : #000;
$cornflower-blue : #6460EF;
$comet : #555C71;
$big-stone : #171F36;
$heading-color: $big-stone;
$header-link-color: $cornflower-blue;
$btn-link-color: $cornflower-blue;

$primary: $cornflower-blue;
$secondary: $big-stone;
$text: $comet;

Theme Customization

We have include a Custom CSS File in the css Folder so that you can better handle your Customizations for New Styles or Overwriting Default Theme Styles. Simply add all your Custom CSS Codes in the css/custom.css File and link it in the Document <head> after the css/main.css Linking. Also make sure that this is the Last Linked CSS File in the Document <head> so that your Custom CSS Styles are Overwritten properly.


<!-- Bootstrap , fonts & icons  -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/bootstrap.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./fonts/fontawesome-5/css/all.css">

<!-- Plugin'stylesheets  -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"href="./plugins/aos/aos.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./plugins/fancybox-4/fancybox.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./plugins/nice-select/nice-select.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./plugins/slick/slick.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./plugins/slick/slick-theme.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./fonts/parley-icon-font/style.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/component-page.css" />

<!-- Vendor stylesheets  -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/main.css">

<!-- Here goes your custom.css
============================================= -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/custom.css" />

Logo Settings

The Logo can be found in the Header Container and Footer Container

Header logo:

<!-- Logo --> 
  <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">
    <img class="w-100" src="./image/png/logo-light.png" alt="logo" />
<!-- Logo End -->

Footer logo:

<!-- Footer Logo --> 
  <a class="footer-brand" href="/">
    <img src="./image/png/logo-light.png" alt="footer"/>
<!-- Footer Logo End -->


Documentation and examples for header, footer, grid


The list of various header types & its descriptions are provided below for your reference:


Header with white background Color & Dark text. See below image and code for more inforamtion.

<!-- Header
============================ -->
<header class="site-header site-header--transparent"> 
  <div class="container"> 
    <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg">
<!-- Header End -->


Header with dark background & Light text. See below image and code for more inforamtion.

<!-- Header
============================ -->
<header class="site-header site-header--dark"> 
  <div class="container"> 
    <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg">
<!-- Header End -->

Grid Style

Default Layout Style is wide. Please see the grid box layout. You can easy to customize coding structure. Here is the sample for your reference:

Grid 2 column

grid style 1

<!-- Blog 2 column -->
<div class="blog-inner">
<div class="container">
  <!-- Blog card-->
  <div class="row justify-content-center">
    <div class="col-sm-9 col-md-6  mb-5">
      <!-- Blog card-->
      <!--Blog Card Single -->
      <a href="./blog-details.html" class="d-block blog-card hover-visible-2">
        <div class="card-image">
          <img src="./image/png/blog-inner-img-1.png" alt="blog">
        <div class="card-body">
          <div class="card-body-inner">
            <h4 class="card-title">10 tips for managing small business finances</h4>
            <p class="card-text">If you are going to use a passage labor. Sed, reprehenderit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sed, reprehenderit. </p>
            <span class="card-link">Read More</span>
    <div class="col-sm-9 col-md-6  mb-5">
      <!-- Blog card-->
      <!--Blog Card Single -->
      <a href="./blog-details.html" class="d-block blog-card hover-visible-2">
        <div class="card-image">
          <img src="./image/png/blog-inner-img-3.png" alt="blog">
        <div class="card-body">
          <div class="card-body-inner">
            <h4 class="card-title">Plan your project with your software.</h4>
            <p class="card-text">If you are going to use a passage labor. Sed, reprehenderit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sed, reprehenderit. </p>
            <span class="card-link">Read More</span>

Grid 3 column

grid style 2

<!-- Blog 3 column -->
<div class="blog-inner">
<div class="container">
  <!-- Blog card-->
  <div class="row justify-content-center">
    <div class="col-12 col-xs-10 col-sm-9 col-md-6 col-xl-4  mb-5">
      <!-- Blog card-->
      <!--Blog Card Single -->
      <a href="./blog-details.html" class="d-block blog-card hover-visible-2">
        <div class="card-image">
          <img src="./image/png/blog-inner-img-1.png" alt="blog">
        <div class="card-body">
          <div class="card-body-inner">
            <h4 class="card-title">10 tips for managing small business finances</h4>
            <p class="card-text">If you are going to use a passage labor. Sed, reprehenderit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sed, reprehenderit. </p>
            <span class="card-link">Read More</span>
    <div class="col-12 col-xs-10 col-sm-9 col-md-6 col-xl-4  mb-5">
      <!-- Blog card-->
      <!--Blog Card Single -->
      <a href="./blog-details.html" class="d-block blog-card hover-visible-2">
        <div class="card-image">
          <img src="./image/png/blog-inner-img-2.png" alt="blog">
        <div class="card-body">
          <div class="card-body-inner">
            <h4 class="card-title">How to take a holiday from your business</h4>
            <p class="card-text">If you are going to use a passage labor. Sed, reprehenderit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sed, reprehenderit. </p>
            <span class="card-link">Read More</span>
    <div class="col-12 col-xs-10 col-sm-9 col-md-6 col-xl-4  mb-5">
      <!-- Blog card-->
      <!--Blog Card Single -->
      <a href="./blog-details.html" class="d-block blog-card hover-visible-2">
        <div class="card-image">
          <img src="./image/png/blog-inner-img-3.png" alt="blog">
        <div class="card-body">
          <div class="card-body-inner">
            <h4 class="card-title">Plan your project with your software.</h4>
            <p class="card-text">If you are going to use a passage labor. Sed, reprehenderit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sed, reprehenderit. </p>
            <span class="card-link">Read More</span>


Documentation and examples for displaying typography, table, image and video and more..


Documentation and examples for typography, headings, body text, lists, and more.


Heading Example

h1. Heading


h2. Heading


h3. Heading


h4. Heading

h5. Heading
h6. Heading


Make a paragraph stand out by adding .text

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid.

<p class="text">
   Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid.

Inline Text elements

You can use the mark tag to highlight text.

This line of text is meant to be treated as deleted text.

This line of text is meant to be treated as no longer accurate.

This line of text is meant to be treated as an addition to the document.

This line of text will render as underlined

This line of text is meant to be treated as fine print.

This line rendered as bold text.

This line rendered as italicized text.

<p>You can use the mark tag to <mark>highlight</mark> text.</p>
<p><del>This line of text is meant to be treated as deleted text.</del></p>
<p><s>This line of text is meant to be treated as no longer accurate.</s></p>
<p><ins>This line of text is meant to be treated as an addition to the document.</ins></p>
<p><u>This line of text will render as underlined</u></p>
<p><small>This line of text is meant to be treated as fine print.</small></p>
<p><strong>This line rendered as bold text.</strong></p>
<p><em>This line rendered as italicized text.</em></p>


Documentation and examples for opt-in styling of tables.

Parley is based on Bootstrap 5, so you can easily use Bootstrap's table classes to style your table. Bootstrap Documentation


<table class="table table-bordered">
# First Last Handle
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter


<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
# First Last Handle
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter

NoteYou can refer more information in Bootstrap Documentation here: Bootstrap Documentation


Font Awesome 5 icons are supported in Parley.

<i class="fas fa-mobile-alt"></i>
<i class="fab fa-twitter"></i>
<i class="fas fa-credit-card"></i>
<i class="fab fa-facebook-f"></i>

NotePlease go to their official documentation pages for a full list of icons: Font Awesome


Documentation and examples for opting images into responsive behavior and add lightweight styles to them—all via classes.

Responsive Images

Images in Bootstrap are made responsive with .img-fluid. max-width: 100%; and height: auto; are applied to the image so that it scales with the parent element.

Responsive image

<img src="assets/images/consult-hero-img.png" class="img-fluid" alt="Responsive image">

Image lightbox

Show image popup when click on image:


<a data-fancybox="images" href="assets/images/hero-2-img-2.png">
  <img src="assets/images/screenshot-thumb.jpg" class="img-fluid img-thumbnail" alt="image">

Image Lightbox with Link

Show image popup when click on link: Click Here for Popup Image

<a  data-fancybox="images" href="assets/images/hero-2-img-2.png">Click Here for Popup Image</a>

Image lightbox with Button

Show image popup when click on button: Click Here for Popup Image

<a class="btn btn-primary" data-fancybox="images" href="assets/images/hero-2-img-2.png">Click Here for Popup Image</a>


Create responsive video embeds based on the width of the parent by creating an intrinsic ratio that scales on any device.

Embedded Video

Wrap any embed like an <iframe> in a parent element with .embed-responsive and an aspect ratio. The .embed-responsive-item isn’t strictly required, but we encourage it.

<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
  <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="" allowfullscreen></iframe>

NotePlease go to official bootstrap documentation for a full information of embed video: Bootstrap Documentation

Popup with Video

Show Youtube and Vimeo video popup when click on link:

Open Popup YouTube Video

<a class="popup-youtube" data-fancybox href="">Open Popup YouTube Video </a>

Open Popup Vimeo video

<a class="popup-vimeo" data-fancybox href="">Open Popup Vimeo video</a>


Setting up components is very easy. Here is the Some of shortcodes describe. also, Parley is based on Bootstrap 5, so you can easily use Bootstrap's components: Bootstrap Documentation


You can extend the default collapse behavior to create an accordion. To properly achieve the accordion style, be sure to use .accordion as a wrapper.

See below image and code for more inforamtion.

Accordion style 1 :

<div class="accordion accordion-style-1" id="faqAccordion">
<div class="row gy-6">
<div class="col-lg-6">
    <div class="row gy-6">
        <div class="col-12">
            <div class="accordion-item">
              <h2 class="accordion-header" id="accordionOneHeading">
                <button class="accordion-button " type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#accordionOneCollapse" aria-expanded="" aria-controls="accordionOneCollapse">
                  1. Do you need a business service eh?
              <div id="accordionOneCollapse" class="accordion-collapse collapse show" aria-labelledby="accordionOneHeading" data-bs-parent="#faqAccordion">
                <div class="accordion-body">
                  <p>Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem
                    ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever when an unknown
          <div class="col-12">
            <div class="accordion-item">
              <h2 class="accordion-header" id="accordionTwoHeading">
                <button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#accordionTwoCollapse" aria-expanded="" aria-controls="accordionTwoCollapse">
                  2. Business service a scam?
              <div id="accordionTwoCollapse" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="accordionTwoHeading" data-bs-parent="#faqAccordion">
                <div class="accordion-body">
                  <p>Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem
                    ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever when an unknown
          <div class="col-12">
            <div class="accordion-item">
              <h2 class="accordion-header" id="accordionThreeHeading">
                <button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#accordionThreeCollapse" aria-expanded="" aria-controls="accordionThreeCollapse">
                  3. Most out of your business service?
              <div id="accordionThreeCollapse" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="accordionThreeHeading" data-bs-parent="#faqAccordion">
                <div class="accordion-body">
                  <p>Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem
                    ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever when an unknown


Type Class Features Code Example
.accordion-style-1 Alternate Minimal Style for the accordions.
<div class="accordion accordion-style-1" id="faqAccordion">


Default Bootstrap Nav component combined with Parley for unique tabs.

See below image and code for more inforamtion.

<ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="myTab" role="tablist">
  <li class="nav-item" role="presentation">
    <button class="nav-link active" id="home-tab" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#home" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="home" aria-selected="true">Home</button>
  <li class="nav-item" role="presentation">
    <button class="nav-link" id="profile-tab" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#profile" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="profile" aria-selected="false">Profile</button>
  <li class="nav-item" role="presentation">
    <button class="nav-link" id="contact-tab" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#contact" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="contact" aria-selected="false">Contact</button>
<div class="tab-content" id="myTabContent">
  <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="home" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="home-tab">...</div>
  <div class="tab-pane fade" id="profile" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="profile-tab">...</div>
  <div class="tab-pane fade" id="contact" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="contact-tab">...</div>


You can extend the default class to create an slider. To properly achieve the slider style, be sure to use .slider-area as a wrapper.

See below image and code for more inforamtion.

Slider style 1 :

<div class="testimonial-slider">
  <div class="single-item">
    <div class="testimonial-ratings-block">
      <div class="icon-single">
        <span class="parley-star-icon"></span>
      <div class="icon-single">
        <span class="parley-star-icon"></span>
      <div class="icon-single">
        <span class="parley-star-icon"></span>
      <div class="icon-single">
        <span class="parley-star-icon"></span>
      <div class="icon-single">
        <span class="parley-star-icon"></span>
    <div class="testimonial-content">
      <h4>I want to thank you for the excellent work, directed by <br class="d-none d-xl-block">
        and you team, regarding for regulatory services for <br class="d-none d-xl-block"> our USA surgical
    <div class="user-block">
      <div class="user-image">
        <img src="./image/png/slider-user.png" alt="user">
      <div class="user-details">
        <h4 class="user-name">Jenny Wilson</h4>
        <span>Founder, SME Corp.</span>


Slider style 2 :

<div class="slider-area">
<div class="slider-testimonial-2">
  <div class="single-slider">
    <!--~~~~~~ Testimonial Card Single ~~~-->
    <div class="testimonial-card">
      <div class="card-texts">
        <p>When our previous IT provider went out of business. ITECH system stepped in and took over They’ve worked with us to develop a disaster recovery.</p>
      <div class="user-details">
        <div class="user-image">
          <img src="./image/png/testimonial-2-card-1.png" alt="testimonial">
        <div class="user-texts">
          <h4 class="user-name card-title">Eva Clarke</h4>
          <p>Founder, SME Corp.</p>
      <div class="card-icon">
        <img src="./image/png/quote-img.png" alt="testimonial">

Slider style 3 :

<div class="slider-area position-relative">
<div class="testimonial-slider-3">
  <div class="single-slider">
    <!--~~~~~~ Testimonial Card Single ~~~-->
    <div class="testimonial-card-3">
      <div class="user-details">
        <div class="user-image">
          <img src="./image/png/testimonial-2-card-1.png" alt="testimonial">
        <div class="user-texts">
          <h4 class="user-name card-title">Jenny Wilson</h4>
          <p class="card-text">Founder, SME Corp.</p>
      <div class="">
        <p class="card-text--md text-white">I want to thank you for the excellent work, directed by you and
          you team, regarding for regulatory services for our USA surgical face masks.</p>
      <div class="card-icon">
        <span class="parley-quote-ending-icon">

Social Icon

Social links with different styles. See below code for more information.

<ul class="social-icon list-unstyled">
<li><a class="icon-link" href=""><i class="fab fa-facebook-f"></i></a></li>
<li><a class="icon-link" href=""><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i></a></li>
<li><a class="icon-link" href=""><i class="fab fa-instagram"></i></a></li>
<li><a class="icon-link" href=""><i class="fab fa-linkedin-in"></i></a></li>

Helper Classes

We have created some really useful helper classes for you. Here are a few of them. also, You can refer other default bootstrap helper classes here: Bootstrap Documentation

Text Size:
  • .heading - font-size to 54px
  • .heading--xl - font-size to 80px
  • .heading--lg - font-size to 40px.
  • .heading--md - font-size to 22px.
  • .heading--sm - font-size to 18px.
  • .heading--xs - font-size to 12px.
  • .text - font-size to 20px
  • .text--lg - font-size to 30px.
  • .text--md - font-size to 26px.
  • .text--sm - font-size to 16px.
  • .text--xs - font-size to 16px.
Font Weight:
  • .fw-400 - For font weight of 400.
  • .fw-500 - For font weight of 500.
  • .fw-600 - For font weight of 600.
  • .fw-700 - For font weight of 700.
Background Color:
  • .bg-transparent - For background color of transparent
  • .site-header--fill-dark - For header background color of dark blue
  • .site-header--fill-light - For header background color of light
  • .bg-commet-opacity - For background color of light gray
  • .bg-primary - For background color of primary
  • .bg-secondary - For background color of secondary
Borders, Sizing, Spacing (margin & padding) and also much more....
You can refer for use other default bootstrap helper classes here -


A FAQ is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers on a particular topic.

Yes. You can customize our items to fit the needs of your end product
Royalty free means you just need to pay for rights to use the item once per end product. You don't need to pay additional or ongoing fees for each person who sees or uses it.

Please note that there may be some limits placed on uses under the different license types available on the marketplaces.
The item is what you purchase from Envato Market. The end product is what you build with that item.
- You can buy a web template, add your text and images, and use it as your website.
- You can buy an HTML site template, convert it to WordPress, and use it as your website (but not as a stock template for sale).

Source & Credits





If this documentation doesn't answer your questions, contact us via item support page: Item Support Page

We are located in GMT +6:00 time zone and we answer all questions within 24 hours in weekdays. In some rare cases the waiting time can be to 48 hours. (except holiday seasons which might take longer).

Note: While we aim to provide the best support possible, please keep in mind that it only extends to verified buyers and only to issues related to our template like bugs and errors. Custom modifications or third party module implementations are not included.

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Thank You.

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Version 1.0 (22 june, 2022)

Initial Release